一番人気の【神戸牛ステーキ重 極上赤身】を店員さんに背中を押され注文です。お重を埋め尽くすレアな神戸牛、真ん中にはニコちゃん的な生卵とワサビを添えて、これは間違いないでしょう。味噌だれ、塩、ステーキダレをお好みで使い分けて食べれば旨味がにじみでる牛肉の味。神戸牛赤味寿司を中トロにグレードアップしたのは正解でした。目の前でバーナーに炙られて表面は温かく香ばしく一口で頬張れば、至福の時が訪れるのです。奮発したかいがありました。
(Translated by Google)
It's my first time in Kobe. I came to Nankinmachi. Skipping Chinese food, our group had hoped to have Kobe beef for lunch, but on a Saturday afternoon, the streets were filled with people talking about various things, and the place was so crowded that it was difficult to move.
It is a small shop with a frontage of one and a half rooms, located on a side street with little traffic. (I could not recognize that the entrance was a lattice door)
I ordered the most popular item, [Kobe Beef Steak, Premium Lean], with the help of the staff. With rare Kobe beef that fills the entire meal, and Nico-chan's raw egg and wasabi in the middle, you can't go wrong with this. If you use miso sauce, salt, and steak sauce as you like, you can enjoy the delicious flavor of beef. It was the right decision to upgrade the Kobe beef red sushi to medium fatty. A moment of bliss will arrive when you take a bite of the food as it is grilled right in front of you, giving it a warm and fragrant surface. It was worth the effort.