神戸牛洋食 アモナ

お気に入りのブランドショップに行く前にいつものお店でランチをと思ったら臨時休業(ToT) 仕方ないのでショップの近くで間に合わせのランチをと検索して初めて入りました。 結果は…大満足!(*≧∀≦*) 外観はそんなにオシャレじゃなくフツーの喫茶店かなといった感じなので今まで何度か前を通っていても素通りだったのが悔やまれる( T_T) ランチコース2,750円なのに神戸牛のAランクのローストビーフやステーキがコースイン! 美味しくて柔らかい神戸牛にもカンドーですが味付けも絶妙‼︎(*≧∀≦*) 店員さんも親切で気が利く方等ばかりで可愛くて明るい店内の雰囲気と両方で癒されましたありがとうございました(^-^) 通いたいお店が一つ増えました♪ (Translated by Google) I thought I would have lunch at my usual shop before going to my favorite brand shop, but it turned out to be temporarily closed (ToT). I had no choice, so I searched for a makeshift lunch near the shop and went in for the first time. The result...I'm very satisfied! (*≧∀≦*) The exterior is not very stylish and looks like an ordinary coffee shop, so I regret not passing by even though I have passed by it several times (T_T) Even though the lunch course is only 2,750 yen, it includes A-rank Kobe beef roast beef and steak! The delicious and tender Kobe beef is also Kando, but the seasoning is exquisite! ︎(*≧∀≦*) The staff were all kind and attentive, and I was healed by the cute and bright atmosphere inside the store. Thank you very much (^-^) There's one more store I want to visit♪
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