神戸牛和ノ宮 道頓堀本店

神戸牛赤身にぎり一貫¥300。とても美味しそうな看板に引かれました。コレステロールが気になる私は赤身にしましたが、脂が多い霜降りなどはもっと高いです。食べてみると、筋が多くて全く噛めず、美味しいお肉とは思えませんでした。結局長く噛んで噛んで丸ごと飲み込みました。これが神戸牛ならもう食べる必要無しです。 (Translated by Google) Kobe beef lean meat nigiri ¥300. I was drawn to the signboard which looked very delicious. I'm concerned about cholesterol, so I choose lean meat, but meat with a lot of fat, such as marbled meat, is even higher. When I tried eating it, there were so many sinews that I couldn't chew it at all, and I didn't think it was delicious meat. I ended up chewing it for a long time and swallowing it whole. If this is Kobe beef, you don't need to eat it anymore.
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