神戸牛みやび サンキタ店

今年の5月に旅行で神戸を訪れた時に来店した。 神戸牛のステーキはとても美味しかった。 強いて文句を言うならば接客対応が悪かった(店員が無愛想·他の来客の伝票を自分に渡された·誤伝票の事で店員に苦情を伝えると謝罪も無かった)のが残念だった。 またいつか神戸牛を食べる機会が有るならこの店は利用しないかな。他の神戸牛ステーキ店に行くね。 (Translated by Google) I visited this store when I visited Kobe on a trip in May of this year. The Kobe beef steak was very delicious. If I had to complain, it would be that the customer service was poor (the clerk was unfriendly, another customer's slip was given to me, and when I complained to the clerk about the wrong slip, there was no apology). If I have a chance to eat Kobe beef again someday, I would not use this restaurant. I'll go to another Kobe beef steak restaurant.
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