神戸牛みやび サンキタ店

Mayuringer 11
せっかく予約して行ったのに、きちんと確認してくれず、並んでくださいと言われた。受付?の人の都合ばかり聞かされて、結局3階に行って社員の人に聞けと言われた…今まで色んなお店に行ったが、こんなに酷い扱いはないです。 忙しかったかもわかりませんが、もう少し対応の仕方があったと思います。 (Translated by Google) Even though I had made a reservation, they didn't check my reservation properly and asked me to wait in line. reception? I was told only about the circumstances of the person there, and in the end I was told to go to the third floor and ask an employee...I've been to many stores, but I've never been treated this badly. I don't know if they were busy, but I think they could have handled things a little better.
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