神戸牛みやび サンキタ店

外国の友人男性が神戸に来たからには神戸牛を食べたいというので数あるお店の中から頑張って探し、期待していきました。友人は中、油分が苦手な自分は3千円ぐらいの赤身肉を選びましたが、友人にはレアっぽい美味しそうなのに対し、自分のはこれならスーパーのアメリカンビーフ食べてるほうがマシだと思えるぐらいぱさついて硬く、焼かれすぎな硬い肉を出されました。ワンランク下とはいえ、最近良く見るお店による男女間差別をここでもするのかなと疑ってしまうほど。 それまで神戸ですごく楽しい時間を過ごしていたので空気を壊すのも悪いと思い頑張って食べましたが、無理しすぎて口の中の皮が向けるレベル。丼のおコメも美味しくなく、残しました。 入った瞬間の男性従業員の感じも悪く、唯一の救いは新人さんらしい女性従業員さんの対応だけでした。 旅行のシメとしては最悪のお店なので周りにも勧めないようにしたいと思います。 (Translated by Google) My foreign male friend came to Kobe and wanted to try Kobe beef, so he searched for it among the many restaurants and had high hopes. My friend chose medium-sized meat, and I, who don't like oil, chose red meat that cost around 3,000 yen.My friend thought it was rare and delicious, but for me, I think I'd be better off eating American beef from the supermarket. I was served meat that was dry, hard, and overcooked. Although it's a notch below, I'm starting to doubt that the same kind of gender discrimination that I've been seeing lately is being practiced here as well. I had been having a great time in Kobe up until that point, so I thought it would be a bad idea to break the air, so I tried my best to eat, but it was too much and the skin in my mouth was turning. The rice in the bowl was not tasty either, so I left it. The male employees didn't make me feel good the moment I walked in, and the only saving grace was the way the female employees treated me, who seemed like new employees. This is the worst restaurant to visit when traveling, so I would not recommend it to anyone.
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